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Airspeed sensor

Airspeed sensor for cycling and other low speed applications. Open source and Open Harware.

Airspeed sensorAirspeed sensor


Airspeed PCB Repository

Board connections

There are 3 separate I2C connection port, this is done mainly for the purpose of connecting multiple same sensors that do not provide an option for address selection like XGZP6897D.

I2C_0 is considered as the main bus and contains the required sensors for calculating the air speed XGZP6897D and BME280.

I2C_1 is used for the secondary XGZP6897D sensor that will be used for the wind direction measurement. This functionality is currently not implemented. Also the BMP280 is implemented on this bus mainly as an experiment to compare peformance with the barometric pressure sensor from BME280.

UART is used for GPS module and as debug interface.

Windspeed - sensor dependency diagram

The Airspeed is calculated by combining the pressure differential acquired and the air density. Pressure differential is acquired from the venturi profile with help of XGZP6897D sensor. Air density is calculated from the parameters that are acquired from the BME280. The BME280 sensor needs to be exposed to the oncomming air stream.

Airspeed - sensor dependency diagram

The Airspeed is calculated by combining the pressure differential acquired and the air density. Pressure differential is acquired from the venturi profile with help of XGZP6897D sensor. Air density is calculated from the parameters that are acquired from the BME280. The BME280 sensor needs to be exposed to the oncomming air stream.

BOM File

BOM File

Experimental Sensors

  • [x] GPS
    • [x] Ground Speed
    • [x] Heading
    • [x] Altitude
  • [x] IMU
    • [x] Roll
    • [x] Pitch
    • [x] Yaw
  • [x] Static Pressure/Altitude
  • [x] Differential Pressure/Pitot tube
  • [x] Humidity
  • [x] Temperature
  • [ ] Slope
  • [ ] Road Vibration
  • [x] Airspeed
  • [x] Wind Speed
  • [x] Position
    • [x] Simple distance tracking (VL53L0X)
    • [ ] Advanced multi area distance tracking (VL53L7CX ultrawide FoV)
  • [ ] Wind Angle
  • [ ] Tire Pressure
  • [ ] O2
  • [ ] CO2


Sensors will be connected via I2C bus.


Webpage / Datasheet

Default address: 0x77

Used to measure the following parameters

Parameteroutput unitminmax
air pressurePa300 hPa1100 hPa
air temperature°C-40 °C85 °C
relative humidity%0 %100 %



Webpage / Datasheet

Default address: 0x6D

Used to measure the following parameters

Parameteroutput unitminmax
differential pressurePa-1000 Pa1000 Pa
temperature°C-30 °C120 °C

The sensor has built in temperature compensation in the following temperature range: 0..60 °C.



This sensor is EOL and is not recommended for new development.

Webpage / Datasheet

Default address: 0x68

Used to measure the following parameters

Parameteroutput unitminmax
Gyroscope (X,Y,Z)°/s-2000 °/s2000 2000 °/s
Accelerometer (X,Y,Z)g-16g16g

The sensor has built in temperature compensation in the following temperature range: 0..60 °C.


