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Velometa roadmap

Below are the project milestones.


2024 Activity Management

2024 Device Configuration

2024 Sensor Management.


2024.05 Prototype (Airspeed - PCB Design)

2024.04 Prototype (Airspeed - Calibration & Field Testing)

2024.03 Prototype (Airspeed - Venturi Inverse)

2024.02 Prototype (Airspeed - Venturi)

2024.01 Prototype (Airspeed - Pitot)

2023.12 Prototype (LCD Touch)


The main goal for this milestone is to replace the e-paper with lcd screen, to experiment with faster refresh rates and multi-color rendering, compared to e-paper.

Try out the LVGL library. Also integration of GPS sensor with the UI data, first of all to get the geo and speed data, but also to try rendering the maps on screen.

  • [x] GPS
    • [x] Speed.
    • [x] Altitude.
    • [x] Heading.
    • [x] Maps.
      • [x] Tiles rendering.
      • [x] Tiles downloader.
      • [x] Tiles contverter to lvgl bitmaps.
      • [x] Rendering (very slow, requires lots of optimization)
  • [x] Screen: WT32 sc01 plus
    • [x] Project setup.
    • [x] SDCard.
    • [x] LVGL
    • [x] Capacitive touch.
    • [x] Mock Data generator.

2023.10 Prototype (E-Paper)


The most basic version of the device with only the live telemetry from Bluetooth LE sensors.


  • [x] integration with BLE sensors
    • [x] HR
    • [x] Power meter.
    • [x] Speed
  • [x] E-Paper display.
    • [x] Power chart.
    • [x] HR chart.
    • [x] Power Zone.
    • [x] HR Zone

2.9" e-Ink display

This version is based on WaveShare 2.9" e-Ink module, that is connected to ESP32 development board.

Full Referesh Time3s
Partial Referesh Time0.6s
First functional version

First Prototype E-Ink 2.9"

Enclosure Prototypes

First Prototype E-Ink 2.9"

4.2" e-Ink display

This version is based on LillyGo Board and this WaveShare 4.2" e-Inkl display.

Full Referesh Time5s
Fast Referesh Time1.5s
Partial Referesh Time0.4s

First Prototype E-Ink 2.9"