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Usecase 1: Diagnostic Screens

In-Flight diagnosticts:

  • GPS stats
  • Environmental Sensors
  • Execution Metrics
  • Tracing

Usecase 2: Commute or Free Ride

In this scenario, following parameters are importat:

  • Power
    • Actual
    • Zone
    • Chart
  • HR
    • Actual
    • Zone
    • Chart
  • Speed
    • Actual
    • avg, max
  • Time
  • Duration
  • Distance

Nice to have:

  • Status bar with sensor status
  • HR, Power, GPS, Airspeed, IMU
    • In case some of the sensor disconnect or provide invalid data the icon could indicate that

Low Priority:

  • Maps are not

Usecase 3: Training Ride

Follow a prescribed power profile


Currently only 2 types of displays have been implemented. From the implemented screen size, for my usecase the 3.5 - 5" size seems to be the most usable.



WT32 SC01 Plus



Based on this LILYGO display module with ESP32 S3.


E-paper or e-Ink displays perfect fit for bright sunny days, where most LCD screens are very hard to read, but e-paper displays also have some limitations, mainly the refresh rate and colors.

Many of the cheap modules do not have partial refresh rate, that renders them useless for this type of application. Most of the e-paper screen connect have either SPI or Parallel interface, the ones with parallel interface have the fastest refresh rate.

4.2" e-Ink display

This version is based on LillyGo Board and this WaveShare 4.2" e-Inkl display.

Full Referesh Time5s
Fast Referesh Time1.5s
Partial Referesh Time0.4s

Prototype E-Ink 4.2"

2.9" e-Ink display

This version is based on WaveShare 2.9" e-Ink module, that is connected to ESP32 development board.

Full Referesh Time3s
Partial Referesh Time0.6s
First functional version

First Prototype E-Ink 2.9"

Enclosure Prototypes

Enclosure E-Ink 2.9"